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The mission of the Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association is to facilitate:

  • A joint representation of all stakeholders working for/ as counsellors all across India. This would include the work in the area of research, advocacy, evidence building, awareness building, counselling, teaching, etc.

  • A united pan India counsellor voice.

  • That, members will be able to interact freely on an equal standing basis with the other professionals.

  • Building a common pool of researchers and activists by providing free, timely and high-quality support to counselling individuals and activities.


The primary object of the Bharatiya Counselling Psychology Association would be to serve people by promoting and providing quality counselling services to them. Ensuring mental well-being of the people of India by appropriate services by the Counselling Psychologists. The objectives of the association are elaborated as follows:

  1. To function as an association dedicated towards unity and empowerment of fellow Counsellors;

  2. To organize various activities for the promotion of in the field of counselling skills, philosophy, culture;

  3. To work for the protection of rights and employability of counsellors in India and to spread legal literacy among Counsellors;

  4. To create awareness of counselling services in India;

  5. To promote effective counselling services that are consistent with international standards;

  6. To assist clients to obtain services adequate to their needs;

  7. To ensure the establishment, maintenance and enhancement of professional standards;

  8. To promote satisfactory conditions of employment for counsellors;

  9. To protect the interests and public standing of counselling personnel;

  10. To provide a forum for members to discuss matters of common concern;

  11. To promote quality education, training, supervision, certification and professional development;

  12. To publish such journals, monographs and other publications as the Governing Board shall from time to time decide;

  13. To affiliate with national and international organizations of counselling; and develop co-ordination, cooperation with other, government, voluntary, socio-culture and charitable organization having similar aims and objectives;

  14. To express, through its activities and resource allocations, a strong commitment to reduce the social disadvantages resulting from differences of race, gender, age, class, religion, sexual orientation, and any contravention of human rights;

  15. To provide a platform for action by advocacy;

  16. To establish, conduct, manage, maintain, equip, administer, close down or dispose of institutes, hostels, hospitals, retreat houses, libraries and other related institutions for the benefit of the Counsellors;

  17. To do or to cause to be done any or such acts or as shall be conducive to the social, moral, ethical, cultural, civil, or physical welfare of the counsellors and people of India;

  18. To establish libraries and documentation centres including audio visual and computer based research libraries on the subject of counselling;

  19. To support the deserving and /or financially poor student and candidates and to send them anywhere in India or abroad for studies/advance studies and also by grant stipends, scholarship, studentships and other allowances, concessions or gratuities;

  20. To do or get done, all such other lawful things and matters as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objectives, or any of them which are subsidiary to the said objects;

  21. To protect the legal rights of the professionals in the area and to develop the controlling mechanism over malpractices, unlawful activities and illegal services practiced by individuals, organizations, institutions, government and non-government agencies;

  22. To provide the helpline services by trained & certified professionals for the urgent addressal of counselling needs emerged due to natural disasters, manmade disasters and any crisis situations in the community;

  23. To intervene with all kind of professional, research, training, issues of counsellors in India, not otherwise included above; and

  24. To carry out any other activity as resolved by the governing board.

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